Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A few small things

I finally got around to getting all the parts of my camera back together, nearly a year after moving. I was perusing it's contents, and was overjoyed to find pictures from a trip to the zoo. I was especially excited because I hadn't been able to bring a camera for my birthday zoo trip, and as a result I wasn't able to take any pictures. 

I was happy to find this little clip of a particularly enthusiastic penguin. He seemed pretty intent on showing off for everyone watching him. Here are some more shots of the penguins, including their gorgeous exhibit. 

I also had the fortune of seeing a Tawny Frogmouth up close with his handler. They're awesome, interesting birds, and it was a neat experience to really get a good look at one when I wouldn't have had the chance otherwise. For whatever reason when I took this photo, I remembered the bird as being an owl. Funny how the memory plays with you. 

Also a quick photo of a congregation of mallards, and an american wood duck.

Those were really the only birds I had the fortune of seeing up close and photographing. One of these days I'd love to have one of those really nice cameras, so that I could take some good quality photos. Especially now that I have the chance to get up close and personal with a lot of raptors.

Just as a bonus, here are some of the other pictures I had the pleasure of taking while we were there.

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